The visa-free policy is also a testament to China's commitment to deepening global integration. Foreign Ministry spokeswoman ...
Scientists researching Alpine glaciers store ice in Antarctica. By analysing air bubbles in the ice they may be able to predict the future ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient world slept only 6.5 hours a night.
"Collaborative robots are the flagship form factor for democratization and automation expansion into new markets, notably via SMEs. Cobots have the capacity to revolutionize industries from medicine ...
早在1998年,Sunborn集团便开创了浮动游艇酒店的先河,在芬兰Naantali成功建造了世界上首个此类酒店。2003年,这座具有里程碑意义的酒店被迁移至伦敦,摇身一变成为现今备受瞩目的Sunborn London Yacht Hotel。
(布城28日马新社讯)人力资源部提醒在农历新年休业超过法定公假的雇主,不能强迫雇员申请年假或无薪假期。 继特赦局秘书处之后,首相署法律事务组(BHEUU)周五也发表声明,强调没接过前首相纳吉申请特赦的附加谕旨或王宫谕令。
(吉隆坡29日马新社讯)马来西亚和泰国承诺加强现有关系,并探索新的合作机会,包括在国防领域的合作。 继特赦局秘书处之后,首相署法律事务组(BHEUU)周五也发表声明,强调没接过前首相纳吉申请特赦的附加谕旨或王宫谕令。
威廉·帕尔默于1780年出生在勒克瑙,也就是菲兹与将军开始同居的一年之后。在佐法尼那幅著名的家庭画像(下图)中,五岁的威廉身穿白色的奥德长袍。他的早年是在勒克瑙的大都市环境里度过的,当时勒克瑙正处于它的黄金时代,是北印度宫廷文化的中心。后来威廉被送到 ...
Snake soup is considered the commoner’s tonic and a specialty in Cantonese cuisine. Ser Wong Fun was founded in 1895 in Nanhai District, Guangdong. After relocating to Gilman’s Bazaar in Central in 19 ...