2025年1月30日消息,日前,国家知识产权局正式公布了上海朋熙半导体有限公司的一项新专利申请,名为“一种数据的存储和指标计算方法、设备、介质及产品”,公开号为CN119377449A。此项专利旨在提高数据存储与分析的效率,预示着在数据处理领域的一次重要技术革新。 在当今大数据和信息迅速增长的背景下,如何快速、精准地存储和计算海量数据成为了各行业的重要课题。上海朋熙针对这一需求,提出了一种新颖的方 ...
Cheap and cheerful Chinese AI does little to unskew relative valuation of one chipmaker against the entire mining industry.
In 2022, the 27 countries of the European Union consumed over 350 (billion cubic meters) of gas – 13% less than in 2021. Gas ...
Intuitive visualization tools enable retailers to monitor and manage thousands of optimization groups through treemap and table displays, organized by store, category, or product attributes. In a ...
The entire Essential JS 2 framework is built from scratch to be lightweight and modular. Its footprint can be reduced further by including only the specific ...