Half of American teenagers get 4 hours or more of daily screen time and are more likely to experience anxiety and depression, a report found.
Apple is reportedly preparing to launch its first foldable iPhone, dubbed the iPhone 17 Flip and we have more details about ...
After losing his phone for two days, 14-year-old Ben Cohen Victor realized how much better his life was without it, causing ...
Samsung has been working on a triple-fold smartphone for a very long time. In 2022, the company showcased a prototype of what ...
This semi-smart flip phone comes with Google Search, Maps, YouTube, weather app, web browser, and a small app store. Other features include a large display, camera ...
In short, a lot's changed on the foldable phone front while iPhone Flip rumors have merely percolated ... Ultimately, foldable tech and the smartphone industry at large has a lot riding on ...
Some screen junkies are ditching their smartphones for dumbphones that cut out the juicy apps that keep users' eyes locked on the screen. Our tech reporter Jordan Hart tried out one of these ...
The Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 6 is available at Rs 15,000 discount on Amazon. You can save even more with bank and exchange ...
By Brady Halbleib Click here for updates on this story LOOMIS, California (KOVR/KMAX) — The Del Oro High School girls’ softball team is taking on a challenge most teens would find impossible: giving ...