FAIR EXHIBIT: Create an exhibit that shows the public what you learned in shooting sports education this year. Exhibits must be displayed horizontally, sized 22" x 28", mounted on a firm backing (foam ...
The 4-H Shooting sports program gives youth the opportunity to enroll in up to five different shooting sports project areas including: archery, pistol, rifle, shotgun, and muzzleloading. Youth will ...
Every month, over 100,000 competitive shooters read the digital edition of Shooting Sports USA for in-depth product reviews from active competitors, and strategies for excellence on the firing line.
4-H Shooting Sports Instructors, Thank you for your support of the youth in the 4-H Shooting Sports program. Your willingness to assume this role allows young people to learn about the safe handling ...
For the purposes of the WSPS Nationality Policy (as referenced in the WSPS Rules & Regulations), WSPS currently applies the IPC Nationality Regulations, that can be ...
How Antioch basketball took step toward 'normalcy' after last week's shooting, beginning with games against Overton ...