RTX 3070可能是最新的安培系列显卡的中端旗舰,但它们的价格使它们超出了大多数入门级PC游戏玩家的承受范围。另一方面,RTX 3060更接近于合理的价格,价格为329美元。好消息是,随着RTX 3060 Ti的发布,RTX 3060的价格正在得到更多的折扣。NVIDIA的xx60卡一直被定义 ...
This 3060 Ti features no RGB options besides the glowing TUF GAMING logo, but the all-aluminum shroud makes the card look beautiful even without any RGB. The card utilizes what few RGB options it has ...
The RTX 3060 Ti offers an excellent midpoint for Nvidia's latest GPU stack, perfect for 1440p, ray traced gameplay.