【本文由小黑盒作者@偷油瓶的丑八怪于02月08日发布,转载请标明出处!】 "OBT2才刚开,你就掉线了?"就在2025年2月8日早晨,PlayStation 网络(PSN)全线故障宕机,三大功能全部亮红灯!线上游玩功能直接罢工,导致《怪物猎人 荒野》OBT2的PS5玩家大规模掉线。 因PSN故障,Steam在线人数暴涨25万!
PSN has been experiencing a multi-hour outage. You might have trouble loading purchased digital games or seeing which friends ...
PSN goes completely down, impacting games, purchases, and accounts. Redditors couldn't think of a better word that described the downtime.
PlayStation Network on PS4 and PS5 has been down for five hours, but it could be restored soon if the October outage is any indicator.
The PlayStation Network is currently down and out for what seems to be most — if not all — PS5 and PS4 players. Reports ...
PSN is down, affecting digital games, online status, and store access. Sony acknowledges the issue and is working on a fix.
PlayStation Network is currently experiencing some major issues, preventing PlayStation gamers from using various services.
The PlayStation Network is currently offline for many users, affecting console and web users. Sony’s network status page notes that people might have trouble with launching games, using the ...
PlayStation Network goes down, leaving gamers stranded without access to digital games and online play, Is the fix coming soon? But Sony has no word yet.
Sony 's PlayStation Network (PSN) suffered a major global outage today, affecting users around the world. The disruption was ...
The ongoing PlayStation Network outage has been causing quite a stir across social media, with many taking to the internet in droves to express their frustrations. For almost four hours all PSN ...
The PlayStation online platform is down and won’t let you play or manage your account. We look at how you can find out about its status and problems.