PCSX2 is a free and open source Sony PS2 Emulator, and it seems they're working towards ensuring it has full support for Wayland on Linux.
Sony doesn’t make PlayStation 2 anymore. Even the second-hand market is not reliable to buy PS2 anymore. The only way to play PS2 Games is through a PS2 emulator. We have compiled a list of the best ...
PlayStation 2 emulation has pioneered to the point where you play any of the PS2 games. Here we have a closer look at the best PS2 emulator for Mac computers. Find dozens of fakes, but there is only ...
A full trophy list is now available for obscure PS2 classic Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings, which was recently added to ...
According to a new rumor, a classic PlayStation 2 games could be coming to PS Plus Premium in the near future.
RetroAchievements brings modern game achievements to older titles that pre-date the concept introduced in 2005 with Microsoft ...
gametitle=Devil May Cry 3 - Dante's Awakening (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It) (Special Edition) SLES_541.86;1) Game CRC = 0x18C9343F ...
The PlayStation 2 was a revelation when it hit the market in 2000, and yet by modern standards, it’s almost hopelessly weak. In fact, it’s so under-powered, Rockstar developers had to pull ...
Remember the PSP Phone? The Sony Walkman phone? A major throwback happens today, as a leak reveals a Sony Xperia XA2 prototype.
The PCSX-Redux project is a collection of tools, research, hardware design, and libraries aiming at development and reverse engineering on the PlayStation 1. The core product itself, PCSX-Redux, is ...