Pursuant to General Assembly Resolution 78/261 of 26 February 2024, a "Second World Summit for Social Development" (WSSD2) was launched, to be held in ...
Yes, there were Soviet troops in North Vietnam, and in significantly larger numbers than their Korean War predecessors. Although the Cold War never turned into a “hot war,” i.e., full-blown World War ...
The centrality of the United States of America in the present-day world is such that any change in Washington has ramifications all over the world. It impacts every country – friend, foe or neutral ...
U.S. Army investigators determined that Nicholson’s death was “officially condoned, if not directly ordered” by the Soviet leadership. The Cold War never turned into a “hot war,” i.e., full-blown ...
Part of Poland's sales pitch to Trump will be that the country's defence spending largely benefits the US in any case: Warsaw has purchased several hundred Abrams tanks, 32 F-35A fighters, 96 Apache ...
CODEPINK is a feminist grassroots organization working to end U.S. wars and militarism, support peace and human rights initiatives, and redirect our tax dollars into healthcare, education, green jobs ...