The best and easiest way to apply for your benefits is with a personal my Social Security account. You can create your free account at Once you create your account, you can get ...
Medicare needs to cover non-opioid treatments instead of riskier ones. A new legislative proposal can help cover the cost.
How can employers bring a halt to double-digit annual increases in health insurance costs? For more than a dozen Minnesota counties, including McLeod, the answer might be to build their own insurance ...
Customers of MedRide, a non-emergent medical transportation (NEMT) service, opened the company's website on Friday to find Medicaid transportation is "temporarily unavailable." ...
States are absorbing substantial increases in health care costs for the poor, as they realize that the people remaining on ...
A bill to continue Montana’s Medicaid expansion cleared an initial vote in the state House on Friday, a mile marker for one ...
Senate Budget Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham on Friday released the text of the budget resolution that will lay the ...
Medicare is big business. It changes a little or a lot every year, and millions have strong opinions about it.
The bill also includes funding to provide housing for farm workers, refugees and individuals eligible to receive Medicaid-funded housing.
The AHA calls on Congress to reject changes to states’ use of provider taxes, which help fund their Medicaid programs.
Innovative Services NW’s mission has stayed the same: ensuring vulnerable Clark County families have access to equal employment, education and therapy opportunities.
ST. PAUL, Minn. – The Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension (BCA) has created a centralized state fraud investigations ...