Vision Quest's casting news spark speculation among MCU fans, who theorize the return of a WandaVision character who was ...
One of the best superhero lessons was introduced over two decades ago, and the MCU's latest project proves that it's still relevant today.
Shantay, Law Roach is here to stay (on a semi-regular basis) on RuPaul’s Drag Race. Following his debut as a guest judge on ...
我是芯片超人花姐,入行20年,有40W+芯片行业粉丝。有很多不方便公开发公众号的,关于芯片买卖、关于资源链接等,我会分享在朋友圈。 扫码加我本人微信👇 如果说前两年AI还只是概念上的火热,近期,AI硬件已经有了爆火的迹象。而最近热度最高的,应该当属AI眼镜。 在前不久的CES展会(2025年国际消费电子展)上,涌现出一大波AI眼镜产品,甚至出现了个新名词——“百镜之战”。其中,最热门的Ray-B ...