OSN, a roundtable discusses the management of epithelial ingrowth after LASIK, neurotrophic keratitis and Demodex blepharitis with marginal keratitis.A few thoughts after decades of treating these ...
Oncocytoma is a rare benign neoplasm of the glandular tissue, most commonly found in the caruncle of the eye. These lesions have an excellent prognosis and have not been reported to recur after ...
Any abnormalities of the urethra should be noted, such as a diverticulum, caruncle, or unsuspected urethral hypersuspension. The degree of enlargement of a cystocele with straining should be noted.
[27] If left untreated, the tumor has the ability to infiltrate postseptal orbital structures, including the lacrimal gland. Patients with SGC of the eyelid should be screened for Muir-Torre ...