We told you earlier in the year about the trio of Brits who bought an IBM System/360 mainframe computer from the mid 1960s off of a seller in Germany, only to find in the long-abandoned machine ...
Many of us used “big iron” back in the day. Computers like the IBM S/360 or 3090 are hard to find, transport, and operate, so you don’t see many retrocomputer enthusiasts with an S/370 in ...
BlockBeats 消息,1 月 20 日,英伟达 CEO 黄仁勋出席昨日在北京举办答谢迎春会开场致辞中表示,「我们正在庆祝新的一年的开始,同时也是科技新时代的开始,我们正处于一个新时代的开端。」在黄仁勋看来,这个时代的开端是人工智能。他表示,人工智能是一项计算机停滞了 60 多年后的重大技术突破——自从 IBM 推出 IBM ...