Speaking to an overflow, bused-in audience of 1,200 at downtown's St. Joseph's Cathedral, Cardinal Robert McElroy used his ...
The Gospel, according to Luke, records that on the night of Jesus’ birth an angel of the Lord appeared to shepherds keeping watch over their flocks in a field outside the Judean village of ...
By turning our hearts to Mary, we experience a whole new horizon of prayer. By her gentle guidance, Mary shows us new depths ...
To shrug off bad behavior or poor decisions with “I’m not perfect” or “I’m only human” lacks integrity and substance. To acknowledge the reality of our state of being, which is ...
Give the king your justice, O God, and your righteousness to a king’s son. May he judge your people with righteousness and ...
It is in this context that Vice President JD Vance introduced the idea of the ordo amoris, or ordering of loves, into this ...
The temptation to manipulate and deceive seemed to echo a deeper spiritual crisis marked by a lack of godly character and vocational acumen.
These days, it seems like there is a high-profile conversion nearly every day. And praise the Lord for that. Celebrities have ...
The land in dispute is an 828-acre (335 hectare) terrain that the Maká claim ownership over. Paraguay’s government has ...
Christ lived, one-third of the world believes Jesus is their God and Savior and 'the Leader to whom they have committed their ...
Wesley Hill’s small volume about Easter is a beautiful and useful invitation to be shocked anew by the central event of our faith.
Airport chaplain Nace Lanier, among the first to respond to the midair collision near Washington's airport, joined a team to ...