Harbor Island will soon see construction crews working to build the world’s third largest desalination plant near Corpus ...
The Texas city has been trying for years to develop a seawater desalination plant, but its efforts have lagged as big, ...
The South Australian government has approved a plan for a $330 million desalination plant to address projected water shortages by 2026, but not everyone is happy.
Efforts to develop seawater desalination plant lag as 5-year drought persists and big, thirsty industries continue to move in ...
The state government plans to build a $330 million desalination plant near Port Lincoln but is facing ... taken from groundwater aquifers and the River Murray, according to SA Water.
Desalination plants were only turned on when there was a need. “This is now stopping. On my instructions it is something that comes to an end, because we cannot put further pressure on the dams.
The UAE’s Environment Agency says that waters near desalination plant outfalls, where brine is discharged, can be another 5 to 10 parts per thousand higher. Brines are typically send back to the sea ...
There are three primary river systems within the Perth region ... this storage is not considered a surface water asset in the Perth region account. Perth Seawater Desalination Plant, located near ...