"Curse of Frankenstein" (1957), with the "creature" played by Christopher Lee, began a string of hit horror films for the British Hammer Studios and made Lee a star. - photo by Chris Hicks ...
The Lord of Darkness. The King of Vampires. Since his introduction by Bram Stoker in the 1897 novel that bore his name, Dracula has stood as one of the most consistent and famous monsters in pop ...
Christopher Lee also continues to inject the franchise with sufficient scares with his largely silent, but still terrifying return as Dracula. Unlike the source material, Horror of Dracula does ...
A 1979 iteration, Nosferatu the Vampyre, directed by Werner Herzog, was a slow-burning, crepuscular piece. With his frequent collaborator Klaus Kinski in the title role, Herzog's vision was one of ...
Shadow of the Vampire (2000) fictionalized the making of the original film, with the premise that actor Schreck (Willem Dafoe) was an actual vampire. Vampirism is a celluloid favorite and the most ...