"Curse of Frankenstein" (1957), with the "creature" played by Christopher Lee, began a string of hit horror films for the British Hammer Studios and made Lee a star. - photo by Chris Hicks ...
Shadow of the Vampire (2000) fictionalized the making of the original film, with the premise that actor Schreck (Willem Dafoe) was an actual vampire. Vampirism is a celluloid favorite and the most ...
Focus Features' Nosferatu enters its next phase of life after scaring up big bucks at the box office over Christmas.
Robert E. Lee's birthday is one of three Confederate holidays still on the books for Florida after well over a century, despite numerous attempts to remove them. The holidays were adopted by ...
Day, some of the president’s most extreme supporters chose to celebrate Confederate general and slaveowner Robert E. Lee instead. Alabama and Mississippi have recognized Robert E. Lee Day as a ...
Carrie Underwood pivoted flawlessly and Christopher Macchio ... also featured an appearance by Lee Greenwood, who offered his familiar anthem, "God Bless the U.S.A." before the proceedings.
Robert E. Lee Day was originally celebrated by states in the South for decades following the Civil War, but was abandoned by most after President Ronald Reagan designated the third Monday in ...
Two U.S. states honor Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee on the federal holiday for Civil Rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. Do you know which ones? This year, the state and federal holiday also ...
Anthony Hopkins was well into his fifties when he became a Hollywood leading man, especially when he won the Oscar for Best ...