"Curse of Frankenstein" (1957), with the "creature" played by Christopher Lee, began a string of hit horror films for the British Hammer Studios and made Lee a star. - photo by Chris Hicks ...
Christopher Lee also continues to inject the franchise with sufficient scares with his largely silent, but still terrifying return as Dracula. Unlike the source material, Horror of Dracula does ...
Dr Samuel Loomis (his name is a nod to Sam Loomis in Psycho) happens to be outside the house by this point, leading him to shoot Myers. The psychiatrist was played by Donald Pleasance, but he wasn’t ...
Carrie Underwood pivoted flawlessly and Christopher Macchio boomed resoundingly ... also featured an appearance by Lee Greenwood, who offered his familiar anthem, "God Bless the U.S.A." before ...
Lee had the idea to give the art direction to Bill Everett, another notorious artist, but Colan was so hellbent on designing the perfect Dracula that he secluded himself in his studio and ...