New movies in theaters - Companion, Dog Man and more Several new movies are coming to theaters this weekend, including Companion, Dog Man, and one of the nominees for the Best Picture Oscar ...
Without fail, awards season always stirs controversy — whether it's a physical altercation, a movie snub or a misallocated award. That being said, it seems almost fitting that this year the drama is ...
Time certainly does go by at a quicker pace than most of us would prefer. For example, twenty-two years ago, Breaking Benjamin hit Portland, Maine, for the first time, opening for Saliva at the ...
has proposed a bill that would require movie theaters to list movies' real start times — not when the trailers start. This means a theater's website would have to list both the time the ads or ...
There will still be people who love these films, and the first ... from Benjamin Renner, the French cartoonist behind the gorgeous Ernest & Celestine. Yes, this is not your typical movie from ...
“Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Assembly convened: That the general statutes be amended to require that each movie advertisement or listing include, and separately ...