This bond, profoundly spiritual and mystical, is reflected in the relationship Native American cultures have with spirit animals—beings that guide, protect, and share their wisdom with those who seek ...
11, 2024 — A new study estimates that more than 9000 insects and other native invertebrates have become extinct in Australia since European arrival in 1788 and between 1-3 additional species ...
Rachel T Mason is a member of the Ecological Society of Australia, the Australian Mammal Society and the Australasian Wildlife Management Society. Anthony Rendall receives funding from CSIRO and ...
Over many years we have discussed our native animals becoming pets. The Huffington Post ran a story recently of a family (actually mum) who were raising an orphaned Kangaroo joey and the drama ...
Native American cultures are rich and diverse, spanning numerous tribes and traditions. One of the most compelling elements present across many of these cultures is the belief in spirit animals.
This iconic black-and-white bear can be found in the mountains of central China. The South China Sea is home to Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins, which are distinguished by their pink colour.
Each of these has a story from Switzerland's amazingly diverse habitats, and in the following article we will introduce seven of Switzerland's most unique, native animals and what is making them ...
The country’s climate is perfect for growing many types of plants, likely why there are so many thriving native trees. Although there are hundreds of native tree species, we are only going to cover ...