The Green Party of Canada strongly condemns Donald Trump’s latest proposal to forcibly displace Palestinians from Gaza to enable the U.S. to take control of the territory. This outrageous and unlawful ...
Donald Trump’s threat to impose 25% tariffs on Canadian and Mexican products is not just an economic attack—it is an assault on Canadian sovereignty, values, and our ability to chart our own future.
The Green Party of Canada strongly opposes Natural Resources Minister Jonathan Wilkinson’s suggestion that Canada consider building a new west-east oil pipeline in response to Donald Trump’s tariff ...
Federal Council (FC) governs the Party between General Meetings of the membership, taking direction from the Constitution and Bylaws and from decisions made at previous General Meetings. FC is ...
In a groundbreaking decision, members of the Green Party of Canada have overwhelmingly endorsed a co-leadership model, marking a new era for the party. With 90.6% support, members ratified the motion ...
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Green Parties around the world share common values. Our policies are based on six fundamental principles. Discover them: ...
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Vision Green is a foundational policy document that guides the Green Party in its stances on challenges facing Canadians. It is our blue print for the Green fight for a just, equitable, safe Canada.
We want to hear your thoughts on electoral reform, by asking direct questions, and getting direct feedback. Tell Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Democratic Institutions Minister Maryam Monsef that ...