A special series “Moritz’ Favorites” recalled de Hadeln’s dedication to the Berlinale and international film: movies which he brought to Berlin, which told 22 years of film history. Success, which had ...
At the 75th Berlin International Film Festival, film expert and Artistic Director of the Deutsche Kinemathek Rainer Rother will be honoured with the Berlinale Camera. Unlike retrospectives of, perhaps ...
As early as 2010, the Deutsche Kinemathek held a symposium on “The Pleasure of Genre”. The corresponding publication says ...
The winner of the Golden Bear qualifies for being eligible for next year's short film Oscar®. Silver Bear Jury Prize (Short Film) Berlinale Shorts CUPRA Filmmaker Award, endowed with 20,000 euros the ...
With this year's theme of “Listen Courageously – Cinematic Narratives in Times of Dissonance” Berlinale Talents extends an invitation to its audiences not only to visit the exciting programme, but to ...
Während des Festivals ist die Berlinale-Website die erste Adresse für Livebilder. Alle Pressekonferenzen und Photo-Calls, die Eröffnungsgala und Preisverleihung sowie das feierliche Treiben rund um ...
The Collections curate titles from the programme of the 75th Berlinale based on different genres, interests and formats. They invite the audience to discover the programme from different perspectives ...
None of the Bears may be awarded ex aequo. The Jury may not award more than one prize to the same film, except in the case of the acting awards, which may be awarded in addition to any other prize ...
Mit dem diesjährigen Thema „Listen Courageously - Cinematic Narratives in Times of Dissonance“ lädt Berlinale Talents das Publikum dazu ein, das spannende Programm zu besuchen, sich aktiv zu ...