The Business Leadership Dialogue is strictly by invitation only. Select C-Suite representatives from organizations that are highly engaged UN Global Compact Participants will have exclusivity in ...
A fact sheet by the United Nations Global Initiative to Fight Human Trafficking (UN.GIFT) on the issue of human trafficking. The data covers geographic regions, demographics of victims, and the ...
Provides practical guidance to companies on how to use the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as an inspiration for innovation and orient their innovation processes to better address the SDGs.
We are at a Code Red for Humanity to confront the climate emergency. Climate change is exacerbating risks and affecting health, livelihoods, food security, water supply, human security, biodiversity ...
In September 2015, all 193 Member States of the United Nations adopted a plan for achieving a better future for all — laying out a path over the next 15 years to end extreme poverty, fight inequality ...
Companies have an internationally recognized responsibility to respect human rights and to develop a suitable training program to ensure employees are equipped to reduce the risk of human rights harm.
The UN Global Compact-Accenture Strategy CEO Study represents more than a decade of research on sustainable business. Published every three years, it is the largest study of CEO attitudes to ...
The Blueprint is a model for leadership within the Global Compact, designed to inspire advanced performers to reach the next level of sustainability performance. It identifies criteria for leadership ...
Looks at the state of corporate sustainability today – providing an in-depth review of the actions taken by companies around the world to embed responsible practices into their strategies, operations ...
An overview of the resource "A Guide to Traceability: A Practical Approach to Advance Sustainability in Global Supply Chains” is presented. Then webinar then explores the objectives and challenges of ...
The exponential rise in the global population, allied with economic development and the acceleration of urbanization, is rapidly elevating the demand for high-quality foods and in particular proteins.
The Roadmap provides guidance for companies on how to integrate sustainability-related goals and strategies across the organization. Best practices are illustrated and the value that can be created ...