The Tetrahedron Constellation Gravitational Wave Observatory would consist of four satellites positioned in space ...
A new way to measure the temperatures of objects by studying the effect of their black-body radiation on Rydberg atoms has ...
Philip Ball looks at how a little-known paper by Niels Bohr demonstrates the turmoil in physics on the brink of quantum ...
RaySearch Laboratories is pioneering the development of rapid adaptive planning software to help clinics implement online adaptive radiotherapy ...
Bio-inspired vortex-anchored filter captures more than 97% of floating, underwater and emulsified oils, even under strong ...
“Several theory groups have speculated that analogues of these structures could emerge in quantized anomalous Hall systems, ...
As a staff scientist at the Advanced Light Source in the US, Sophie Morley helps visiting researchers to probe the fundamental properties of quantum materials ...
Physicists in Germany have developed a new way of defining the standard unit of electrical resistance. The advantage of the ...
Two independent teams in the US have demonstrated the potential of using the optical properties of nanocrystals to create ...
This makes it hard to counter misinformation. As the authors tactfully conclude: “Outrage-evoking misinformation may be ...
Create a Physics World account to get access to all available digital issues of the monthly magazine. Your Physics World ...
Heisenberg, who would later win the Nobel Prize for Physics, famously came up with quantum mechanics on a two-week vacation ...