Labial adhesions happen when the labia minora (the inner folds of skin surrounding the vaginal opening) become fused together. In most cases, only a small part of the labia is fused, so the adhesions ...
It is the doctor's responsibility to make sure you understand the medical problem and treatment. During the discussion, you can ask questions. This is your right and responsibility — and there's no ...
estar inquieto o irritable y llorar mucho (a menudo con un llanto agudo) tener problemas para dormir y bostezar mucho tener temblores o movimientos espasmódicos tener rigidez en brazos y piernas tener ...
Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are infections spread from person to person during sex (vaginal, oral, or anal) or close sexual contact. STDs are also called sexually transmitted infections, or ...
Vomiting can be caused by many things, most commonly gastroenteritis (the "stomach flu"). Vomiting (throwing up) can cause kids to lose fluids, salts, and minerals, so it's important to make sure ...
Heavy metals are elements that are found in soil, water, and the air we breathe. Plants take up these metals as they grow and can end up in the food we eat. Our bodies need some heavy metals (like ...
Tummy time is laying babies on their stomachs for brief periods while they're awake. It's an important way to help babies strengthen their neck and shoulder muscles, and improve motor skills. Be sure ...
What Is Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS)? Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) is a disorder that can make someone feel faint or dizzy. It happens when the autonomic ...
A cataract is any clouding or opacity of the lens of an eye. Congenital means that it happens before birth or during a baby's first year of life. A baby with congenital cataracts has clouding in one ...
Answering kids' questions about sex is a job many parents don’t look forward to. It may feel awkward when it comes to talking about puberty and where babies come from. But don’t avoid these topics.
When people masturbate, they touch or rub their own genitals because they like the way it feels. This won’t stunt their growth (keep them from getting taller) or cause any health problems. You might ...