Nvidia is firing on all cylinders this generation, with the RTX 5000 lineup at the forefront of the GPU department - and now, ...
NVIDIA已经发布了GeForce RTX 5090以及GeForce RTX 5080显卡,在性能上还算比较给力,通过DLSS ...
Scammers on eBay are selling photos of RTX 5090 GPUs, tricking desperate buyers into paying thousands: don't fall for this ...
Tests show that RTX Mega Geometry, a new Nvidia technology recently added to Alan Wake 2, increases framerates and improves image quality in heavily ray-traced scenes.
在性能方面,RTX 5060 Ti被曝料将对标自家上代的RTX 4070显卡,或是竞品的RX 7900 GRE和RX 7800 XT。预计其定价将在3299-3599元之间,相较于RTX 4060 Ti首发时的3199元起价,小幅涨价似乎已不可避免。而RTX 5060则将对标RTX 4060 Ti以及竞品的RX 7800 XT和RX 7700 XT,预计定价为2599-3399元,相较于RTX ...
NVIDIA近期在显卡市场再次掀起波澜,其备受瞩目的RTX 50系列显卡家族即将迎来新成员。继RTX 5090/5090D与RTX 5080成功面市后,RTX 5070 Ti与RTX 5070也将于本月末陆续登场。据可靠消息,RTX 5060 Ti与RTX 5060系列亦将紧随其后,预计于3月份正式上市,这标志着NVIDIA 50系列显卡将在短短一个季度内全面亮相。