Our main research areas are algebra and discrete mathematics, analysis, applied mathematics and mechanics, stochastics and statistics, and systems analysis and operations research. We offer major and ...
Aalto University’s blog series Creativity Unfolded focuses on insights linked to creativity in a multitude of ways. Topics include design, technology, media, architecture, film, games, art theory and ...
The Department of Design is a diverse community of competent, creative and responsible individuals. In design, we appreciate technical skill, social significance and artistic expression. We educate ...
Suomen Akatemian myöntämä majakkastatus korostaa OtaNanon asemaa uniikkina huippututkimuksen infrastruktuurina. OtaNanoon kuuluvan kylmälaboratorion laitteistoa. Kuva: Mikko Raskinen/Aalto-yliopisto.