Design, development, fabrication and sale of the reflactive microoptic components like lenset arrays and microlenses. Wet etch photolithography wafer based technology. Convex and concave, spherical ...
2. Etching: Etching refers to the removal of material from the wafer surface. There are two main types of etching: Wet etching: Wafers are immersed in an etchant solution (mixture of chemicals). A ...
Reactive Ion Etch (RIE) is a physical etch process. A rich plasma has been made just above the wafer, and the ions are expedited toward the surface to generate a highly powerful anisotropic etch.
The process modules provide high-throughput, outstanding uniformity, high-precision, and low-damage processes for wafer sizes ranging up to 200 mm ... refractive index, stress, and wet chemical etch ...