The breathless style of writing at which Valleywag has made a name for itself isn't the sort of thing we often link to, but we'll make an exception today. According to the Gawker team, Tesla CEO ...
When we got wind of a story on Valleywag this morning about layoffs and executive changes at Tesla, our first call was to SVP Marketing Darryl Siry. Not surprisingly Siry told us that Valleywag ...
Less than one month ago, Nitasha Tiku was promoted to Editor-in-Chief of Gawker's tech lifestyle section, Valleywag, in place of Sam Biddle. She seemed committed, telling us that Valleywag was ...
According to a Valleywag report, Jobs met with newspaper officials about digitizing The Journal on the Apple iPad. When asked about the iPad's lack of Flash, Jobs snapped that Adobe Flash is "old ...
According to a blog, users could gain access to Hilton's and Lohan's personal images simply by submitting their own login credentials through Yahoo, one of the partnering sites that ...
Now he wants to apologize. First, here is the email he was accused of sending: Haas, who brought her story to Valleywag, was praised by editor Sam Biddle for coming forth with her story ...