置办年货是中国人过年的“重头戏”。在春节的重要仪式感中,烟火氤氲,暖意盎然。   23日上午,习近平总书记在辽宁省沈阳市考察了沈阳大东副食品商场,了解当地节日期间市场供应、群众生活保障等情况。   中国人过年,讲究的是年味。年货备足了,年味就浓了。   年味,不仅是舌尖上的味道,也是人们心中的文化情感。“文化味”越浓,“年味”就越浓。   市井藏百味,红火中国年。烟火升腾处,承载着人们一年里最温暖 ...
South Africans were floored by a retired politicians life out of the office. Lindiwe Zulu was seen grinding hard at the gym ...
WASHINGTON, DC: Kai Madison Trump went viral across social media platforms for her behind-the-scenes vlog of her grandfather Donald J Trump 's presidential inauguration that took place on January 20, ...