IT之家 12 月 16 日消息,海外频道 Retro Mod Works 发文,展示了一款利用屏幕损坏的索尼 PSP 游戏掌机改造而成的 PS2 风格迷你游戏主机。 该频道主要 ...
[foo] sent in this amazingly well done mod to add an SNES controller to a PSP. He was contacted with a request to mod a PSP for someone who had limited use of one hand. The PSP controls were too ...
[Robin] over at acidmods sent in this interesting PSP mod. [PvP] added an internal hard drive (with the exception of a mini-usb cable sticking out the top) to his PSP. The advantage? Laptop hard ...
and play PSP games on your TV? That’s the idea behind Retro Mod Works’ PS Placeable, a mod that “consolizes” the PSP and was featured yesterday in a video from the YouTube channel Macho ...