Mars, the enigmatic Red Planet, has long puzzled scientists with a dramatic geological contrast between its hemispheres, ...
Mars' dramatic north-south divide has puzzled scientists for half a century. However, they may now have a conclusive answer.
Data collected by NASA's InSight lander suggest that ancient internal processes are responsible for the "Martian dichotomy" ...
The study published in the journal Geophysical Research Letters, suggests that the dichotomy might be due to internal heat ...
A puzzle about Mars has intrigued scientists for decades. The planet’s two hemispheres are strikingly different in structure.
Thousands of mounds and hills in Mars' barren northern plains are full of clay minerals, providing evidence that the rocks ...
CANBERRA -- Australian and Chinese scientists have made a breakthrough in solving the mystery of how the landscape of Mars evolved over billions of years. In a study published on Wednesday, ...
Scientists believe NASA's InSight lander has solved the 50-year-old mystery surrounding the Martian dichotomy.
Mars is home to perhaps the greatest mystery of the Solar System: the so-called Martian dichotomy, which has baffled ...
The mounds lie north of a feature of Mars known as the Martian dichotomy, where the towering, ancient highlands of the ...
From arachnid-like formations and mysterious blobs to an underground ocean and a giant volcano, here are our 10 favorite things scientists discovered on Mars this year.
Thousands of mounds and hills in Mars’ barren northern plains are full of clay minerals, providing evidence that the rocks ...