春节临近,一条点赞超20万的水下醒狮演出视频在社交平台引起了上千万国内外网友的关注——伴随着一声嘹亮的唢呐,两名潜水员手举醒狮的狮头和狮身,一名潜水员手举绣球,缓缓在水下舞动,四周时而有鱼群缓缓游过。几名美人鱼演员伴随音乐变换队形,动作毫无拖泥带水,表情发挥极致,将中国传统非遗醒狮完美复刻到水下。As ...
People watch a dragon dance performance to celebrate the Spring Festival, or the Chinese New Year on the Champs-Elysees ...
Have you ever imagined a lion dance with a high-tech twist? 🐶In Shenzhen, Guangdong, robotic dogs are taking the traditional lion dance to a whole new level! 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻Don't miss this extraordinary ...
New Zealand Prime Minister Christopher Luxon visited a flower fair hosted by the Chinese community, watched wonderful lion dance performances, and joined local people to celebrate the Spring Festival.