The Lincoln Journal Star welcomes readers' comments. Letters to the editor must include the writer's name, address, email, and phone number. The editors may edit and condense letters; the ...
A cover letter (sometimes referred to as a justification or letter to reviewers) is an excellent opportunity for you to promote your work to the editor and reviewers Please note, these guidelines are ...
Although optional, the cover letter is an excellent ... or in press at other journals (see our editorial policies on duplicate submissions for details). Copies of these manuscripts should be ...
Reading diverse perspectives and understanding how community issues affect people differently should be important to us all.
As the oldest continuously-published medical journal, our mission since ... Step 2: Prepare materials for submission including cover letter (optional), main text, tables, figures, supplementary ...
Papers must be submitted electronically via our online submission site. Please select which journal you are submitting to from the ... they should provide a detailed letter to the Editor. This will be ...
Submit a Letter to the Editor Letters should be 250 words or less, be of public interest and should avoid name-calling and libelous language. The Journal-World reserves the right to edit letters ...
Letters submitted for publication should be on subjects of general interest and no more than 250 words in length. Email General guidelines: The Journal Times is ...
The Journal Gazette & Times-Courier welcomes letters to the editor from readers on topics of general interest and public policy. Letters must be signed with the writer’s full name and contain a ...
Here is the submission form for letters to the editor, limited to 250 words. For longer guest perspective, or Op-Ed, pieces up to 780 words, please email directly to the editor, Jon Mays.
The Idaho State Journal accepts letters to the editor from readers. We suggest that letters be no more than 400 words and be free of profanity, racist comments and/or libelous remarks. Letters can ...