People are already speculating about a name for our new town hall / arts centre - so let me make an early pitch for John ...
How John Logie Baird's mechanical television showed the way, but ultimately to a dead end. Humanity’s deep desire for connection means the idea of seeing images at a distance has a long history.
John Logie Baird (1888-1946) applied for a patent for a mechanical television in 1923. He ran successful experiments in transmitting images in 1926, and in 1930 he worked with the British ...
Did John Logie Baird ever imagine that his invention would have such an effect on human life? Essentially a camera that converts images into an electric current that can be sent to a receiver ...
So what does the BBC’s abandonment of Baird’s technology mean now for the reputation of John Logie Baird himself as an ‘inventor’ of television? Indeed, might it be fair to say that the ...
As one of the pioneers of television, John Logie Baird has been written about a great deal over the years. The image we get from these accounts is of an unworldly, somewhat lonely figure dedicated ...