When she confronts Jewel about the situation, the beetle tearfully says, "It's better than the city." This haunting moment is the first time in IDW Publishing's Sonic the Hedgehog comics that ...
A male Australian jewel beetle attempts to mate with a "stubby" beer bottle. Disclaimer: AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert!
The combination of these properties give the Buprestidae family of jewel beetles, among other animals, their characteristic metallic sheen. Amanda Franklin, an ecologist at the University of Melbourne ...
The fogstand beetle lives in the Namib Desert, where the average rainfall is 14mm a year and survives by drinking the mist condensing on its wing cases. Gold and silver scarab jewel beetles live ...
Structural color is what makes the surface of soap bubbles iridescent and the body of a jewel beetle appear to glitter. While pigmented colors have the disadvantage of fading due to ultraviolet ...