The rings are regions of higher density, where the galactic material has been pushed together by the rippling shocks. The ...
NASA's Hubble Space Telescope managed to capture an incredible image of a galaxy that looks an awful lot like a bullseye. "This was a serendipitous discovery," said Imad Pasha, the lead researcher ...
or "transited," the faces of their parent stars using the Hubble Space Telescope. This revealed that starlight fluctuations caused by hotter and colder regions on the stars' surfaces were more ...
The water ripples out from where the bird breaks the surface. The Hubble Space Telescope is helping scientists unravel the history of the two galaxies and the results of their cosmic meetup.
Proposed budget reductions for the Hubble Space Telescope would impact research ... to perform well despite its age and issues like a gyro failure that led NASA in June to switch to a reduced ...
High-resolution imagery from NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope confirmed eight rings, and data from the W. M. Keck Observatory in Hawaii confirmed a ninth. Hubble and Keck also confirmed which ...
Video of the largest photomosaic ever assembled from Hubble Space Telescope observations. The camera pans along the Andromeda Galaxy's vast disk which is over 200,000 light-years across. (Credit: ...
Now those hoops surround a "new" galaxy. Thanks to the Hubble Space Telescope, researchers at Yale University have discovered the freshly-named "bullseye galaxy," which features nine sparkling ...
“One of Hubble’s lasting achievements will be how it showed the public the wonders of the universe,” Kenneth Sembach, an astronomer at the Space Telescope Science Institute, told National ...
A rare breed of star recently discovered by the Hubble Space Telescope spins faster by feeding on its stellar siblings. The Hubble Space Telescope has discovered a rare "blue lurker" star that has ...
This NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope image peers into the dusty recesses of the nearest massive star-forming region to Earth, the Orion Nebula (Messier 42, M42). Just 1,500 light-years away ...
Credit: NASA, ESA, Imad Pasha (Yale), Pieter van Dokkum (Yale) NASA's Hubble Space Telescope managed to capture an incredible image of a galaxy that looks an awful lot like a bullseye. "This was a ...