家人们,华为在手机领域又放大招啦!HUAWEI Mate 70 RS 非凡大师一经发布,就迅速成为科技爱好者和数码达人热议的焦点。作为华为 Mate 系列的顶级旗舰,它究竟有哪些过人之处?今天就带大家一探究竟。极致美学,一眼就爱上HUAWEI Mate 70 RS 非凡大师延续了 Maters 系列的家族基因,采用 “星钻八边形” ...
the Mate 40 is getting a Porsche makeover with the Huawei Mate 40 RS. This edition of the phone includes an infrared thermo-sensor so you can check temperatures from -20 to 100-degrees if you feel ...
Huawei's Mate 40 Pro is yet another lovely device from the Shenzhen company. It has an inspired design, a beautiful 90Hz display, and one of the best cameras around. One thing it doesn't have is a ...