These proposals are available for viewing only, and only to full-time University of Nevada, Reno faculty members. If you are interested in viewing a successful sample from any of the funding programs ...
Alternatively, some funders will ask that you submit an initial letter of intent to apply for a program for which they have a formal proposal request process (a Request for Proposal, or RFP).
CCR will provide a letter of commitment users can include with their account proposals for outside funding, such as from the Department of Energy, National Institutes of Health, National Science ...
Organizations are not eligible to receive this grant. Submit CV, a proposal narrative in which you describe ... (maximum two single-spaced pages), 5-10 PDF work samples, a detailed budget, and two ...
Many grant proposals require a letter of support from an institutional signing official, typically provided by the Vice Chancellor for Research & Innovation (VCRI). The following process standardizes ...
Please note: equipment purchased with a Graduate Student Grant becomes the property of the univer­sity. Be sure to read and follow submission procedures. The Graduate School cannot accept proposals ...