There are 7 direct trains that run between Fatehpur Sikri and Agra Fort. The train schedules consist of 4 daily and 3 weekly trains. These include MEMU, Mail Express, Passenger and Super Fast trains.
With fewer crowds than the Taj Mahal or Agra Fort, Fatehpur Sikri is a favorite among travelers for its ornate and detailed Mughal architecture (Fatehpur Sikri is considered to be one of the best ...
The fort encompasses a number of fairy-tale palaces ... The abandoned capital of the Mughals, Fatehpur Sikri is a remarkably ...
It is at a convenient driving distance from major tourist attractions like the Taj Mahal and the Agra fort. Fatehpur Sikri has some amazing places to see like the Buland Darwaza and the Panch Mahal.
Train travel in India offers a unique way to explore the country's diverse landscapes, rich cultural heritage, and iconic ...
Fatehpur Sikri is located in the state of Uttar Pradesh and is just 39 km from Agra. It is well-connected by road to Agra and other major cities of the state. Agra has great road, rail and air ...