Yes, there are 2 direct trains that run between Ernakulam Town and Malda Town. These include Super Fast and Vivek trains. What is the distance between Ernakulam Town and Malda Town? The distance ...
Yes, there is one direct Super Fast and Vivek train running between Ernakulam Town and Mariani Junction. These include Super Fast and Vivek trains. What is the distance between Ernakulam Town and ...
Kochi has two major railway stations – Ernakulam Town and Ernakulam Junction (locally known as the North and South railway stations respectively). However, reservation facilities are available ...
Railways had sanctioned Ernakulam Junction station Rs 299.95 crore and Town station Rs 150.28 crore as part of the project, which is to be completed in 36 months. Pile foundation work at the ...
Indian postal department has allotted a unique postal code of pin code to each district/village/town/city to ensure quick delivery of postal services. A Postal Index Number or PIN or PIN code is a ...