Cicada Brood XIV is expected to emerge this spring and although they don't occur in Mississippi, we'll still hear the songs ...
The last time this particular brood of cicadas was around was 2008. Historical dates for Brood XIV in Massachusetts include appearances over the 1700s, 1800s and 1900s in Barnstab ...
And that's in addition to the annual dog-day cicadas that are expected to come out in July. Yes, it's going to be loud, and you can expect the billions of cicadas to be "everywhere," experts say.
Brood XIV cicadas will emerge in numbers around the lower billions in 13 states, including Ohio and parts of Greater.
This emergence usually corresponds to the emergence of the dog-day cicada, our annual cicada that you hear making loud noises in the evenings during the hottest days of summer. Adult wasps live ...